Have you board with Alexa fixed size widget for your Blogger
blog. Alexa widgets help you little to increase your rank but the style of
widget will not work out with your template. Alexa widgets nether be not change
in size nor customize, for this purpose we are going to show you a new style of
Alexa widgets. This Alexa widget will wins your heart. This Alexa widget will
be transparent but when you hover the widget place you will able to see your
widgets see the example below.
For adding widget to Blog:
- Go to your Blogger account and open the layout tabs right of your Blogger dashboard.
- Click on the edit widget and open it. Open the HTMl/JavaScript and past the below code on it.
<a style="opacity: 0;" target="_blank" href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/profeedlinks.us"><script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/a?url=http://www.profeedlinks.us'></script></a>
Change the URL with your own and save your widgets and
refresh your log. You are done.
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