Most of the content of web article are post by one old formula "Ctrl" + C" and "Ctrl + V" =Copy Past. You web article is being copied by other. They get much traffic than yours. Copy past thief copied your article ands send your article via email or social site they made little changes and clam it as their own article. For this biggest problem you have Tynt. Tynt create backlinks automatically. When your article is being copied by some one and past to another site Tynt add one extra line with your backlinks URL. When other watch ands see to your URL they click on it and they come to your page. By this process you get traffic from known site and as well as your rank will increate your site will linked with other sites you have get better number of visitors. Tynt track when post article where is being post that had post. You can complain it for remove the article.
Benefits of Tynt:
Expand total visitor on your Website/blog, likes and social connected user.
Encourage user when their content is being copied to another site and notified them via email.
How Tynt Works?
Copy the Java Script code to your Website/blog Template. Tynt will automatically add extra line where your content being posts.
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