As social site have chat box so does you want to get chat box for your site. Chat bar is the best way to keep your visitor fixed on your Website/blog for this purpose box has created for you a Chat box. Cbox chat is wonderful unique chat box for chatting interacted with others. The best part of Cbox Chat box is Cbox is free for all.
Cbox chat box give you access to read your all messages, history of visitors. Customize your Cbox chat box according to your web templates. Totally easy to use secure and all of the control is in your hand. Remove the message or band the user.
Cbox also allow their user for premium subscription to get access to new and best tools for their chat box. Cbox chat box use HTML and AJAX technology and doesn't required plug ins. Hundred of user in one single chat. Work your chat box in all browsers. For additional support use Cbox premium service.
Get full access to Cbox stats. You can also delete your account if you don't want it any more. Use smiles and your own keyword for smiles. Change layout, fonts and color.
How to Install Cbox Chat Box?
- Registered your account to Cbox Chat box.
- Get the code from clipboard.
- Open your web hosting dashboard.
- Find place where you want to install the Cbox Chat box.
- Save your dashboard and refresh it.
- Now you will see, you have Chat box in your Website/blog.
Cbox Chat box is fully in your control don’t need to worry it safe for you it won’t destroyed your site. Feel free to registered your account and get access to Chat box.
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